Saturday, March 31, 2018


7 everyday card questions that can leave you confused

Here are the most common simple yet vexing questions regarding credit and debit cards, and how you can answer them with confidence.


Should you do your taxes on your cell phone?

Experts say doing your taxes on your mobile phone may create a number of data vulnerabilities if you're not careful.


Don’t Overlook Basement Security | Robert Siciliano

If you are like most of us, you probably don’t think much about the security of your basement. However, you might want to start doing that. Why? Because burglars love to get into homes by crawling into the basement. They […]


How hackers can drain your bank account using the SIM card scam -

Heard of the SIM card scam? It's one of today's hottest trends and hackers are using it to steal millions of dollars from unsuspecting people. Here's how:

Friday, March 30, 2018


What Is a Credit Privacy Number (CPN)?

Have you been worried about ID theft, someone stealing your Social Security number, or fraud? Are you looking for an easy fix for bad credit?

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Here are all the terrible things a criminal can do with your Social Security number -

Identity theft is a big problem. With your social security number, hackers can do all sorts of terrible acts. Here's a list of the worst things they can do.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Won't They just Go through the Window or Smash my Glass Door - DoorDevil

DOOR SECURITY WINDOWS: A study conducted by the University of North Carolina-Charlotte surveyed 422 incarcerated burglars on their tactics and motivations in an effort to help homeowners better prepare. Most burglars entered through UNLOCKED doors and windows; many of the others kicking the door rather than breaking windows with one inmate taking the time to note:


Smart travel: 4 common security blunders to avoid while traveling -

Smart travel decisions are important to keep yourself safe when traveling. Here are 4 common blunders people make, and how you can protect yourself.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


How to tell if your neighbor is stealing your Wi-Fi -

Is your internet running slow, as if someone is clogging your bandwidth? Your neighbor may be stealing your internet. Here's how to find out:

Friday, March 23, 2018


45 Home Security Tips That Help to Keep Burglars Away | Robert Siciliano

If you have a home, you should be worried about burglars. Here are 44 home security tips that you can use to keep the burglars away:  Keep your doors locked all of the time. Use a deadbolt on every door. […]


Door Security Door Devil Alarm Test - DoorDevil

Before you assume that your ALARM OR VIDEO offers adequate security, we encourage you to take this test and check out the video!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Door Security Door Devil Guard Dog Test - DoorDevil

Before you assume that your dog offers adequate security; we encourage you to take this test and check out the video!


Pirate FM - News - Stranger 'tries to lure girl into van' in St Austell

It follows reports of children being approached

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Equifax Breach May Have Been Worse Than Everyone Thought

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has released a 15-page report about Equifax’s 2017 data breach that includes claims about the company’s cybersecurity, the removal of 145 million consumers’ personally identifiable information (PII), and “hardball tactics” Equifax used to delay rival Experian from obtaining an IRS contract.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Spying Robert Siciliano | Buy Tablets Online

Tips: Never let your cell phone out of your control -- spyware can be installed...

Monday, March 19, 2018


10 essential tips to avoid getting hacked when shopping online -

More than ever, hackers are stealing personal information when shopping online. Don't let them. Follows these tips to secure your devices and avoid hackers.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Here's how to finally stop robocalls -

No one likes robocalls. In fact, they suck. So here are a few tips to help you get rid of spam phone calls once and for all.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Door Security Door Devil Gun Test - DoorDevil

Before you assume your GUN offers adequate security, we encourage you to take this test and check out the video!


Facebook’s new "Protect" feature is actually a type of spyware -

You may think the new "Protect" button on Facebook will help retain your online privacy—but you'd be wrong. Here's why Onavo is actually a form of spyware.

Friday, March 16, 2018


Civilized Conditioning: Are You Prepared for an Attack Personal Security Expert Robert Siciliano disciusses Civilized Conditioning: Are You Prepared for an Attack


You will be shocked by how much Google knows about you -

How much does Google know about me? The answer might shock you. Google probably knows more about you than some of your closest family & friends.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


North Korean hackers likely behind $530m cryptocurrency heist -

North Korean hackers are likely behind the recent $530 million cryptocurrency heist, and the ill-gotten fortune is now being floated on the dark web.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


2017 was the worst year in history for data breaches -

With 5,200 breaches and 8 million user records exposed, 2017 was the worst year in history for data breaches. And yet most were caused by human error.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Fences Make a Statement to Burglars: Keep Out | Buzz Custom Fence

At Buzz, we love to talk fences – privacy fences, security fences, beautiful fences, practical fences, you name it. If you need some more ideas for securing your property, give us a call today.

Monday, March 12, 2018


The Best Paper Shredders of 2018

Take your identity security into your own hands with our top-rated shredders: Fellowes, Royal, Sentinel, Amazon Basics, and more

Sunday, March 11, 2018


How to protect yourself from cybersecurity scams in 2018 -

Cybersecurity scams are an increasing threat. Here are the latest cyber security trends for 2018, and what you can do to protect yourself.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


These popular smartphone apps are listening to your conversations -

There is a theory out there, and you may even believe it yourself, that Facebook is listening to you.

Friday, March 09, 2018


Equifax Hack Exposes More Data Than Originally Disclosed

identity theft expert and speaker Robert Siciliano discusses Equifax Hack Exposes More Data Than Originally Disclosed for @HotspotShield

Tuesday, March 06, 2018


Should You Freeze Your Credit? Siciliano Identity theft speaker and Expert discusses Should You Freeze Your Credit?

Monday, March 05, 2018


Top Signs of a Malware Infection Identity Theft and Privacy Expert Robert Siciliano discusses Top Signs of Malware Infection

Friday, March 02, 2018


Door Security: What is Door Devil? - DoorDevil

Door Devil is a doorway reinforcement kit Robert Siciliano for @Door_Devil

Thursday, March 01, 2018


Why is it so easy to kick doors? - DoorDevil

Why is it so easy to kick doors? Robert Siciliano for @Door_Devil

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